Job Action

Job Action encompasses tasks performed on candidate(s) linked to a job posting, facilitating efficient candidate management throughout the hiring process. These tasks include viewing the job application, adding notes, scheduling interviews, sharing personnel to EOH, changing candidate status etc. Additionally, it aids in managing and executing candidate-client-job relations against a job.

To navigate to the Job Actions page from the List View, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the main navigation header bar and click on Jobs.
  • Click on a Job Workflow and select a job from the list below.
  • Click on the three-dot button and select View Job.
  • Select a candidate and click on Actions.

Note: To read more on how to configure the tabs on the Job Action window from the Job Automation Masters, and to understand the impact of the configuration on the Job Action window, click here: Configure Job Automation Masters.

Job Summary Page - Select candidate - Action

  • This action will open the Job Action screen. At the top, you will see the Meeting, Checklist and Comment tabs.

Information: To read more on how to configure checklist from the masters, click here: Recruiter Checklist.

Information: The Comment button at the top is clickable, opening a pop-up screen where you can view existing comments or add new ones. The Comment button displays the total number of comments as a number. If multiple candidates are selected, it shows the total number of comments for all candidates.

  • You can also view the Stage, Job details, Client details, and Job location at the top center of the page.

  • On the right-hand side, you will see the forward and backward buttons, which allow you to navigate through candidates in the same stage, switching to their respective screens.
  • The 1, 2 and All represent the full mode screens.

Information: The Job Action screen is divided into two sections: Action and Manage. The Action screen allows you to take actions such as adding notes, scheduling interviews, sharing personnel with EOH, and changing candidate status, etc. The Manage screen helps you oversee and execute candidate-client-job relationships for a specific job.

Information: Upon clicking on the 1 it will open the action screen in full screen mode. Similarly, 2 will open the manage screen and All will open both the screens. The All screen is the default one. 

  • The action screen reflects certain default tabs like the Application, Notes, Interview, EOH, Status, etc., as configured from the Job Automation masters. You can configure the tabs and customise names as per your needs.

Note: The sequence set in the Job Automation Master will reflect in the Job Action window for all the stages. For example, if the sequence is Notes first, Application second, and Interview third, you will see the tabs in this order. This sequence will be consistent across all stages for the candidate, except for stages with no stage type mapped.

Information: To read more on how to map a stage type to a stage, click here: Setup a New Job Workflow Hiring Process.

Note: If information is saved in any tab before moving to the next stage, it remains saved in the backend even if that tab is temporarily hidden from the Job Automation Masters. Once the tab is re-enabled for that stage, the previously saved information becomes visible.

    • Applications tab: This tab showcases the candidate's specific application form.
    • Notes: This tab is used to add candidate specific notes against a job.
      • To view notes, click the link at the top. You will then see an Edit Notes link; clicking it will redirect you to the Job Notes section where you can make edits. This action will be recorded in the Job Log.

    • Interview: This tab is used to schedule candidate specific interview against a job.
    • EOH tab allows you to screen and share a candidate to EOH, with or without creating an applicant portal.
      • Under the EOH tab, you'll find four different tabs: Candidate Profile, Screening Action, Notes, and Review & Final Summary. Clicking EOH defaults to the Candidate Profile tab.
    • Status: This tab is used to update a candidate status against a job. Additionally, you can restrict the candidate to apply for any new job application to a specified time period by clicking on the checkbox at the bottom.

Job Action - Default Tabs  

To check the functioning of the EOH tab, follow these steps: 

Information: To read more on how to configure EOH from the marketplace, click here: Marketplace Configuration - Entire OnHire (EOH).

Subscribe to the feature Share Personnel to EOH under the EOH tab in the Marketplace.

Note: The integration status will display as Connected. If EOH is not connected, it will read Integration Status: Not Connected, prompting you to connect the account through the Marketplace. Subscribe to the feature Share Personnel to EOH under the EOH tab in the Marketplace. If the status is Not Connected, a clickable link labelled Click here to Integrate will appear below to redirect you to the EOH Marketplace connection page.

  • Candidate Profile tab: Displays candidate information. Fill in all the required fields and click Next.
  • Screening Action tab:
      • Recruiter Name: The first field, Recruiter Name, is mandatory and presented as a single-select drop-down menu sourced from connected EOH account recruiters. Initially, no recruiter is selected, but upon user selection, the chosen recruiter’s name will be displayed.
      • Candidate Screening Status: This field indicates whether the candidate has progressed from the Screening stage to the next. If the candidate has moved past this stage, the screening status will be marked as complete, and the checkbox will be ticked; otherwise, it will show as incomplete, with the checkbox unticked.
      • Candidate Interview Status:
        • If the candidate advances from the Interview stage and the Interview date and time have been scheduled, the system will mark this as complete. The Interview stage is defined by the stage type Interview mapped to any workflow stages. Once the candidate moves past this stage, the candidate interview status will display as complete, with the checkbox ticked. If not, it will display as incomplete, and the checkbox will remain unticked.
        • If you manually select the Candidate Interview Status checkbox as COMPLETED, selecting the Interview Date and Time becomes mandatory. For a single interview, the date and time slot are disabled, and data auto-populates. If multiple interviews are upcoming, you must select an Interview Date and Time before pushing the candidate with the RECRUITMENT - APPLICANT LOGIN & SCHEDULED INTERVIEW option. If no interviews are scheduled, these fields will be blank and disabled.
        • The Interview date drop-down will only show future interview dates. Past interview details won't be considered, regardless of whether the data auto-populates or requires selection.
        • You can manually toggle the checkboxes for Candidate Screening Status and Candidate Interview Status as needed.
        • To create the application portal, users will be presented with three options displayed as radio buttons, allowing selection of only one:
          • RECRUITMENT - INBOX: Creates a new applicant without screening, interview appointment, or Applicant Portal access. This option only passes applicant information to EOH without creating applicant portal details, placing the applicant in the Inbox section of the EOH account.
          • RECRUITMENT - APPLICANT LOGIN ONLY: Creates a new applicant and provides access to Applicant Portal credentials only. This option creates applicant login credentials and shares them with the applicant.
          • RECRUITMENT - APPLICANT LOGIN & SCHEDULED INTERVIEW: Creates a new applicant and provides access to Applicant Portal credentials along with booked interview schedule. This option creates applicant login credentials and shares them with the applicant, along with interview details.
          • These options will be available based on certain conditions. For example, if the Screening Status is INCOMPLETE, only the first two options will be enabled for selection, while the third option will be disabled.
      • To send an email to the applicant, check the corresponding option. When selected, it enables the dropdown menu for selecting an email template. It's mandatory to choose an email template if the send email option is checked. The email will not be sent in case of the Recruitment - Inbox, in case of the other two the email will be sent to the applicant.
      • The Email Template option will remain disabled unless the Send Email to Applicant box is checked. It's a dropdown single-select menu, showcasing all available Email Templates in the connected EOH account. Upon selecting a template, its name will be displayed in the field.
      • For candidates not pushed to EOH, tabs below will remain active and enabled, while for those already pushed, a text will appear saying Candidate already pushed to EOH.

Job Action - EOH - Screening Action

  • Notes tab: 
    • There are two sections within the tab:
      • Screening Notes: If any notes are saved under the Screening Notes category for this candidate and job, they will be displayed in this section. If no notes are saved, this section will be blank. You can then make changes or additions based on your requirements. Any modifications made here will not affect the data saved in Xeople Recruit; they will only be reflected in EOH when you transfer the candidate as an Applicant/Member.
      • Additionally, the timestamp icon is clickable, and clicking it will auto-populate the Username, Date, and Time.
      • Employment Status Notes: This section is blank by default. Employment Status notes will only appear when pushing the candidate as an applicant with Interview details. In the other two cases, Employment Status notes will be disabled. It's a simple text box to comply with the EOH format.

EOH - Notes

  • Review and Final Summary tab provides users with a convenient overview of all information before pushing the candidate to EOH.
    • The Review and Final Summary tab displays all saved data from the preceding three sections: Candidate Profile, Screening Action, Notes. None of the fields in this section are enabled; you must navigate to the appropriate tab to make changes.
    • Share Personnel: This option functions similarly to the existing application. Data is transferred to EOH based on selections made across all three tabs of the screen. If any required fields are left incomplete, the Share Personnel icon will be disabled, accompanied by an error message indicating that the mandatory fields must be completed.

EOH - Review and Final Summary

Information: You can manage and take actions on the candidate, client and the specific job from the screen on the right-hand side.

Under the candidate, you can check resume and activity, send emails, add notes, etc. Under the client, you can check client activity, send emails, add notes, and review client contacts.

Under the job, you can view job details, manage documents, and add notes.

Each tab consists of a Manage button which will redirect you to the specific section. For example: Job>Notes>Manage>Job summary>Add notes.

Information: To read more on the Client VS Job Document, Candidate VS Application Document, Client VS Job Notes Log, Candidate VS Application Notes Log relationship, click here: Client VS Job Document, Candidate VS Application Document, Client VS Job Notes Log, Candidate VS Application Notes Log.

Manage - Candidate, Client and Job

  • In the List View, to take action on multiple candidates, select the checkbox beside each candidate, then click the three-dot button and choose Actions.

Note: Remember this option will be only enabled if candidates selected are in the same stage. If not, this will be disabled. 

Job Summary Page - List View - Actions