Marketplace Configuration - Entire OnHire (EOH)

Xeople Recruit Marketplace has launched a new integration with Entire OnHire (EOH), connecting these two key products. Given the substantial amount of data in our legacy product, Entire OnHire (EOH), we’ve introduced a feature that allows users to search for talent, push jobs to the member app, and share personnel to EOH directly from within Xeople Recruit.

Information: To read more on the purpose of Marketplace, click here: Marketplace Configuration - Purpose.

 To enable EOH, proceed by following the steps outlined below:

  • Navigate to the marketplace, locate EOH, and click on Enable.

Administrator – Marketplace – EOH – Enable

  • Enter the Client ID and Secret Key provided by Entire OnHire and click Validate.

Note: Client ID: Each user or client is assigned a unique code in the EOH system, linking them to their accounts and preferences. Secret Key: A confidential alphanumeric code exclusively for authorised users, ensuring secure authentication.

  • Upon clicking Validate the organisation name will auto-populate in the Organisation Name field.
  • Click Save.

Administrator - Marketplace - Entire OnHire - Configure

  • After the Entire OnHire is Connected, go to the Subscribe Feature and subscribe the features as per your needs.

Note: Remember, after configuring EOH, subscribing to the features is necessary. Upon subscribing, you will be able to search, match, and extract Entire OnHire members, push jobs to the member app from Xeople Search, and share personnel to EOH from the Job & Candidate Summary page. 

  • Similarly, to disconnect EOH, click on Disconnect.

Entire OnHire - Subscribe or Disconnect