Job Summary

The Job Summary page acts as a centralised hub for managing and accessing detailed job information. It tracks recruitment progress, including applicant numbers and workflow stages, and serves as a communication platform for the hiring team, ensuring consistency and alignment throughout the recruitment process.

To navigate to the Job Summary page, follow these steps:

Information: To read more on how to Create a Job and to check the details under the Job Landing page, click here: Create a Job, Jobs Landing.

  • Navigate to the main navigation header bar and click on Jobs.
  • Access the list of all job listings, then click on any Job or click on the three-dot button and select View Job to be directed to the Job Summary page.

Job Summary Page 

Here's an elaboration of the Job Summary page:

  • Job Rank: Position of this job relative to others based on priority or importance.

  • Published On: The date when the job was posted.

  • Job Reference ID: Unique identifier for this job listing.
  • Job Type: Specifies the nature of the employment (e.g., full-time, part-time).
  • Experience: Required experience level for the position.
  • Job Title: Title of the job role.
  • Client Name: Name of the client associated with this job.
  • Location: Geographic location of the job.
  • Company Contacts: Key contact persons within the company.
  • Job Owners: Individuals responsible for managing this job.
  • Tags: Labels like Confidential, High Priority, Low, Medium, or Critical used to categorise job postings based on importance.

Information: To read more on how to configure job tags, click here: Job Tags.

  • Skills: Required skills for the position.
  • Current Status: Present stage of the job in the recruitment process.

Information: To read more on how to configure a job status, click here: Jobs Status Master.

  • Ageing of Job: Duration since the job was posted.
  • Expires In: Time remaining until the job posting expires.
  • Sourced: Indicates how candidates were sourced.

Information: For more information on how candidates are sourced and mapped to jobs in the application, click here: Assign Candidate Manually, Job Board - Native Apply, Xeople Career Page - Link out, Xeople Smart-email, Xeople Search - Proprietary Pool, Xeople Search - Entire OnHire Pool.

Note: You can update the Contacts, Job Owners and Status from here. Additionally, you can assign/unassign Tags

Actions to perform on the Job summary page:

  • Applications: Review and manage candidate applications.

Information: To read more on how to manage job application, click here: Manage Job Applications.

  • Assign Candidate: Allocate candidates to this job.

Information: To read more on how to assign candidates manually, click here: Assign Candidate Manually.

  • Meeting: Schedule and track meetings related to the job.
  • Notes: Add and view notes about the job. Once a note is created you will get options to Edit or Delete it.

Note: Use the filtering options based on Date, Owner, Category, and Filters to easily and swiftly search through notes.

On the left-hand side, notes are organised by month. Click on the notes section. If the notes do not appear, click on the left panel and select the desired month to display the corresponding notes created during that month.

Note: The Notes section allows you to mention employees using the "@" symbol followed by an initial letter, like "@n". This displays a list of employees or invited users. When mentioned, employees receive a web notification, indicated by a red number next to the bell icon. Clicking the bell shows the notification with the employee's name, message path, date, time, and options to mark as read/unread or delete.

Note: Additionally, a speech-to-text editor lets you add notes by speaking, making it easier to quickly update and share information.

  • Job Log: Record of all actions and updates related to the job.
  • Documents: Add documents and folders associated with the job. Actions you can perform in this particular section are as follows:


  • Sharing internally or externally: Allows sharing documents with colleagues within the organisation or with external stakeholders.
  • Share as Attachment: Facilitates document sharing by attaching them to emails.

  • Manage Access: Allows you to control who can view or edit the document by managing permissions.
  • Rename: Allows changing the name of the document for better organisation and identification.
  • Delete: Use this option to remove a document if it was added by mistake or is no longer needed.

  • Download: Enables saving documents to local devices for offline access or archival purposes.
  • Audit Log: Provides a record of all actions performed on the document, including views, edits, and shares.
  • View Details: Grants access to metadata and information pertaining to the document, including creation date, file name, etc.
  • Version: Allows tracking changes made to the document over time, including edits and revisions.
  • Manage Job Posting: Edit and control the job posting details.

Information: To read more on how to manage job postings, click here: Manage Job Posting.

      Actions to perform under the three-dot button:

      • Action tabs allow you to perform actions with candidates across various workflow stages, including adding notes, scheduling interviews, sharing personnel details with EOH and the client, and managing candidate or job relationships.

      Note: To read more on how the Job Action tab works, click here: Job Action.

      • Accept: Mark candidates as accepted for further consideration.
      • Reject: Decline candidates for the job role.
      • Remove: Remove candidates from consideration.

      Information: To read more how to bulk accept, reject, remove candidates, click here: Bulk Accept Candidate, Bulk Reject Candidates, Bulk Remove Candidates.

      • Send Mail: Send emails to candidates.
      • Send SMS: Send text messages to candidates.

      Information: To read more on how to contact candidates or how the candidate mail section works, click here: Contact Candidates, Candidate Mails.

      • Candidate Summary: View summarised information about candidates.

      Information: To read more on the candidate profile details, click here: Profile Details.

      • Job Details View: Access detailed information about the job role.
      • Edit Job: Modify details of the job posting.

      Information: To read more on how to edit a job from the job landing page, click here: Jobs Landing.

      • Map Application Form: Link application forms to the job posting.

      Information: To read more on how to map a job application form, click here: Map Application Form.

      • Share Job Application Link: Distribute the application link for the job.

      Information: To read more on how to share a job application URL, click here: Share Job Application URL.

      • Profile Update: Automatically update candidate profiles across job applications.
      • Generate Xeople Smart-email: Automatically match candidate resumes to job postings.

      Information: To read more on how to Generate Xeople Smart-email, click here: Generate Job-specific Xeople Smart-email.

      • Timeline: Track candidate interactions and events.
      • Proximity: Assess candidate location relative to the job location.
      • Close Job: End the job posting.

      Information: To read more on how to close a job, click here: Close Job.

      • Share Personnel to EOH: Share candidate details with EOH.

      Actions to perform under the Job Workflow stages in a Grid View:

      Information: To read more details on how to set a new Job workflow or understand the Job Workflow and its stage, click here: Setup a New Job Workflow Hiring Process, Understanding Job Workflow and its stages.

      • Checkbox: You can perform actions for the candidate such as Accept, Reject, Remove, Read, Unread, Mail, SMS, Schedule Meeting, Pin, and Move to a specific folder.

        • Read: Mark candidate as reviewed.
        • Unread: Mark candidate not reviewed.
        • Meeting: Schedule an interview with the candidate.
        • Pin: Highlight and focus on the candidate.
        • Move to folder: Organise candidate into a specific folder.

      Information: To read more on how to add candidate folders or map candidates to folder, click here: Organise Folders.

      Note: To Perform this action like Actions, Accept, Reject, Remove, Meeting and Pin select the same stage candidates. If the same stage candidates are not selected these options will be disable. Also, you can schedule meeting for one candidate at a time.

      Information: To read more on the purpose and the actions you can perform on the Action tab, click here: Job Action.

      • The first workflow tile shows the number of candidates applied or were mapped to the Job with their profile initials and Name.
      • Pin: Use to highlight a specific candidate.
      • Just below the Name, you will be able to see the Job workflow Stage
      • You can see the job apply source which is for example Form (candidates manually assigned to a job) and candidate source (the source by which a candidate is coming or created in the system.
      • After carefully reviewing the candidate's resume, you can advance them to different stages as defined in the job workflow master settings.

      Information: To learn more about setting up or understanding a job workflow, click here. Setup a New Job Workflow Hiring Process, Understanding Job Workflow and its stages.