Bulk Accept Candidate
Bulk Accept Candidates allows you to streamline the process by accepting multiple candidates for a job posting or recruitment process simultaneously, saving time and effort compared to individual acceptance.
To navigate to the Bulk Accept Candidate feature, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the main navigation header bar and click on Jobs.
- Click on a Job Workflow and select a job from the list below.
- Click on the three-dot button and select View Job.
Jobs - Job Landing Page - View Job
Bulk Accept Candidates in a List View:
- To bulk accept candidates, select the checkbox in front of each candidate you wish to accept, then click on the three-dot button and choose Accept.
Note: Remember this option will be only enabled if candidates selected are in the same stage. If not, this will be disabled.
Note: Clicking on Accept will move the candidate to the desired stage in the Job Workflow.
List View - Checkbox - Accept
Bulk Accept Candidates in a Grid View:
To bulk accept candidates, check the checkbox next to each candidate you wish to accept, then click on the three-dot button and select Accept, or click on Accept in the grid view panel.
Grid View - Checkbox - Accept