Xeople Smart-email

To source candidates in the system, use the Xeople Smart-email feature. This enables you to source candidates by attaching the job-specific Xeople Smart-email ID generated to the job posting or forwarding it to candidates directly. When candidates click on the email ID and attach their resumes, they are sourced into the system and mapped to the job. Each job is assigned a unique job reference ID.

Note: To start using Xeople Smart-email, activate Daxtra from the Marketplace. This feature uses CV parsing methods to automatically source candidates.

To read more on how to configure Daxtra, Marketplace Configuration - Daxtra.

Information: To read more on how to configure Xeople Smart-email, click here: Configure Xeople Smart-email.

Information: To read more on how to create a candidate via Xeople Smart-email, click here: Create Candidate via Smart-email Parsing.

Information: To read more on how to source candidates and map them to a job, click here: Generate Job-specific Xeople Smart-email.

  • After creating a job, a job reference ID is assigned to it.
  • Navigate to the job summary page, click the three-dot button, and select Generate Xeople Smart-email.
  • Copy the job-specific Xeople Smart-email ID to the job posting and publish it on job boards.
  • Also, upon collecting candidate emails ID from various sources such as email, chats, or job boards, you can send the job-specific Xeople Smart-email ID, asking them to forward resumes to this email ID. Candidates will be automatically sources and mapped to the job.
Generate Xeople Smart-email - Copy Email ID

Job Description - Job-specific Xeople Smart-email ID - Publish