Xeople Search - Entire OnHire Pool

Under Xeople Search, the Entire OnHire pool allows you to search, match & extract candidates from Entire OnHire to XeopleRecruit. You can choose specific candidate data to export, including Skills & Expertise, Notes, and Emergency Contact information, by applying certain search parameters.

Note: To read more on how to configure EOH and Subscribe the features under it, click here: Marketplace Configuration - Entire OnHire (EOH).

  • After the Entire OnHire is Connected, go to the Subscribe Feature and click Subscribe to Search, Match & Extract Entire OnHire Members.
  • Once integration is complete, Entire OnHire will appear in the Xeople Search Pool.

Entire OnHire - Subscribe - Search, Match & Extract Entire OnHire Members

Information: If you missed integrating it initially, you'll have the option to Click here to integrate from the marketplace under the search pool Entire OnHire in the Xeople Search.

 Xeople Search - Entire OnHire

To source a candidate via Search, Match & Extract Entire OnHire Members, follow these steps:

Information: To discover the two ways to access the option for creating a candidate, click here: Purpose.

  • Navigate to the main navigation header bar and click on Home.

  • Click Xeople Search and select the Search Pool as Entire OnHire from the drop-down.
  • Choose one or more parameters from the list to refine your search and find the most suitable records. Then, click on Search Xeoplers located on the top right-hand side.

Home - Xeople Search - Search Pool - Entire OnHire - Search Xeoplers

  • Upon clicking Search Xeoplers, you will see a list of all the candidates extracted from Entire OnHire. Click on the checkbox placed in front of the candidate you wish to extract to Xeople.
  • Click Bulk Extract.

Note: If in case you want to extract only one candidate, click Extract placed on the particular candidate tile.

  • A pop-up appears asking you to select data you wish to extract. Select as per your needs and click Extract.

Note: General and Contact information will be extracted by default.

Xeople Search - Extract Candidate Data

Note: After extraction, a confirmation pop-up will appear indicating that the candidate(s) have been extracted to Xeople. You can then view the extracted/sourced candidate on the Candidate Landing page.