Job Posting - SEEK

SEEK is an online job board and employment marketplace where employers can post job listings and individuals can search and apply for jobs.

Note: This feature provides access to SEEK across all eight markets in which SEEK operates. Customers in ANZ, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand will enjoy a new APAC experience.

This includes seamless access to all available ad types in each region, with pricing displayed in local currency. You can advertise clear role information using the salary type and currency relevant to your hiring market.

Additionally, you can reach more relevant candidates by using suburb-level locations and country-specific job categories tailored to your market.

Information: To read more on how to enable SEEK from Marketplace, click here: Marketplace Configuration - SEEK

To post a job on SEEK, follow these steps:

Information: To read more on how to Create a Job, click here: Create a Job.

  • While creating a Job, you will find an option to Publish to Job Boards at the end of the create job page.
  • Once you enable the toggle button, it will redirect you to the Job Boards page where you can select SEEK to post a job.
  • Similarly, once a job is created it will appear on the Job Landing page, under the Publish column, clicking it will redirect you to the Job Boards page.

Job Landing Page - Job Created - Publish - SEEK

  • Similarly, upon clicking View Job from the three-dot button, you will be directed to the Job Summary page. From there, navigate to Manage Job Posting and select SEEK to post a job. 

Job Posting - SEEK

  • Upon clicking on Post Job, you will be redirected to the Select Job Board page.
  • Select SEEK and click on the Continue button.

Select Job Boards - SEEK - Continue 

  • Fill in all the mandatory fields and click on Continue.

SEEK - Job Ad Details

  • After clicking continue, you'll be directed to the Preview and Publish tab, where you will see options to Cancel, Preview, and Publish

Preview & Publish - Options

Note: Preview: You can see how your ad appears in both mobile and desktop formats while you’re creating it and make changes to the content and layout to ensure you post a quality ad that engages relevant candidates. 

Preview - Desktop/Mobile

  • Review the job as necessary, then click Publish. This action will publish the job on SEEK.

Job Posted - SEEK