Marketplace Configuration - SEEK

SEEK is an online job board and employment marketplace where employers can post job listings and individuals can search and apply for jobs.

Information: To read more on the purpose of Marketplace, click here: Marketplace Configuration - Purpose.

To enable SEEK, proceed by following the steps outlined below:

  • Navigate to the marketplace, locate SEEK, and click on Connect.

Administrator – Marketplace – SEEK – Connect

  • Enter the Advertiser ID provided by SEEK and click on Validate.

Information: The Advertiser IDs for each region are different, for example, ANZ (Australia and New Zealand) and Asia. You can enter all IDs concurrently or one at a time and click on Update. This will allow you to post jobs specific to those regions.

Information: The SEEK Advertiser ID serves as a unique code designated for employers or advertisers using SEEK’s job advertising platform.

  • Click Save.

SEEK – Advertiser ID- Save

  • Similarly, to disconnect SEEK, click on Disconnect.

SEEK – Disconnect