Generate Job-specific Xeople Smart-email

The Generate Xeople Smart-email feature allows you to effortlessly create and add candidates to a specific job by sending an email request. Simply attach the candidate's resume and include the job reference ID in the mail subject, and the candidate will be automatically added to that particular job.

Note: To start using Xeople Smart-email, activate Daxtra from the Marketplace. This feature uses CV parsing methods to automatically map candidates to a Job.

To read more on how to configure Xeople Smart-email, click here: Configure Xeople Smart-email.

To navigate to the Generate Xeople Smart-email feature, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the main navigation header bar and click on Jobs.
  • Click on a Job Workflow and select a job from the list below.
  • Click on the three-dot button and select View Job.

Jobs - Job Landing Page - View Job  

  • Click on the three-dot button and select Generate Xeople Smart-email.

Job Summary Page - Generate Xeople Smart-email

  • Upon clicking the email ID, you will be redirected to the mailbox.
  • If the mailbox does not open upon clicking the email ID, copy and paste the email ID into the mailbox.

Generate Xeople Smart-email - Email ID

Note: Remember, each job has a unique reference ID. To create and map candidates to a specific job, go to the job summary page and click Generate Xeople Smart-email.

  • Attach the candidate(s) resume. This will ensure that the candidate(s) are create and mapped to this specific job.

Information: This action may take a couple of minutes. Simply wait and refresh the tab to see the candidate(s) mapped to the Job.

Mailbox - Candidate Resume - Job Reference ID

  • Now, you can see that the candidate(s) are mapped to the job.

Information: You will also receive a success email notification for the candidate mapped to the job.

Candidate Created and Mapped to Job

Information: When a job is closed, an email will inform the sender that the position is filled. Candidates will still be created in the system but won't be mapped to the closed job.