Create Candidate - Entire OnHire Push or Extract

The Entire OnHire Push or Extract feature enables you to push candidates from Entire OnHire to Xeople Recruit and extract Candidate data from Entire to Xeople. You can choose specific candidate data to export, including Skills & Expertise, Notes, and Emergency Contact information. 

Note: To read more on how to configure EOH and Subscribe features under it, click here: Entire OnHire (EOH).

  • After the Entire OnHire is Connected, go to the Subscribe Feature and click Subscribe to Search, Match & Extract Entire OnHire Members.
  • Once integration is complete, Entire OnHire will appear in the Xeople Search Pool.

Entire OnHire - Subscribe - Search, Match & Extract Entire OnHire Members

Information: If you missed integrating it initially, you'll have the option to Click here to integrate from the marketplace under the search pool Entire OnHire in the Xeople Search.

 Xeople Search - Entire OnHire

To create/add a candidate via Entire OnHire Push or Extract, follow these steps:

Information: To discover the two ways to access the option for creating a candidate, click here: Create Candidate - Meaning & Purpose. 

  • Navigate to the main navigation header bar and click on Home.

  • Click Xeople Search and select the Search Pool as Entire OnHire from the drop-down.
  • Choose one or more parameters from the list to refine your search and find the most suitable records. Then, click on Search Xeoplers located on the top right-hand side.

Home - Xeople Search - Entire OnHire - Search Xeoplers

  • Upon clicking Search Xeoplers, you will see a list of all the candidates pushed from Entire OnHire. Click on the checkbox placed in front of the candidate you wish to extract to Xeople.
  • Click Bulk Extract.

Note: If in case you want to extract only one candidate, click Extract placed on the particular candidate tile.

  • A pop-up appears asking you to select data you wish to extract. Select as per your needs and click Extract.

Note: General and Contact information will be extracted by default.

Xeople Search - Extract Candidate Data

Note: After extraction, a confirmation pop-up will appear indicating that the candidate(s) have been extracted to Xeople. You can then view the extracted candidate on the Candidate Landing page.

Note: To source candidate from Entire OnHire, click here: Xeople Search - Entire OnHire Pool.