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Configure Xeople Smart-email

Xeople Smart-email automatically creates and map candidates to a designated job. This is achieved by sending an email to an address dynamically generated by Xeople. The email address is composed by combining the user’s email address, candidate details and the corresponding job reference ID.

Note: To start using Xeople Smart-email, activate Daxtra from the Marketplace. This feature uses CV parsing methods to automatically create candidates within the platform.

Information: To read more on how to configure Daxtra from the marketplace, click here: Daxtra.

To configure the Xeople Smart-email, proceed by following the steps outlined below:

  • Click on the Profile picture and select Administrator from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on Xeople Smart-email from the left navigation panel.
  • Click on the toggle button to enable it.

Administrator – Xeople Smart-email

  • After activation, both email IDs will be visible for creating a candidate or mapping the candidate to a specific job.
  • By clicking on the email IDs, you’ll be redirected to the email, where you can attach the candidate resume to automatically create a candidate profile.
  • For creating and mapping candidates to a job, click here: Generate Job-specific Xeople Smart-email

Information: The second email ID displayed for creating and mapping candidates to a job is only a sample ID. To create and map candidates, go to the specific job summary page and click on Generate Xeople Smart-email. Each job has a unique reference ID.

Xeople Smart Email – Enabled