Configure SMS Templates

SMS Templates are pre-designed formats for creating standardised text messages, ensuring quick and consistent communication.

To configure SMS Templates, proceed by following the steps outlined below:

  • Click on the Profile picture and select My Profile from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on SMS Templates from the left navigation panel.
  • Click on (+) to add a new SMS template.
  • Fill in all the required fields and click on Save.

Note: The SMS description header includes a Job, Candidate and a Contact Placeholder, containing job-candidate-contact related tags to insert in the email description. These are dynamic content tags which pick the values the respective section.

Note: To share the created template with your team, simply click on the Share with Team checkbox.

My Profile – SMS Template – Add – Save

  • Access your created SMS templates effortlessly for sending messages. Simply navigate to Insert Template > My Templates to use them, saving you time from manual composition.

Note: Similarly, all the shared templates with you will populate under Insert Template > Shared templates.

Information: To use the SMS feature, start by integrating Burst SMS from the Marketplace. Enter the API URL and API Key provided by Burst SMS for seamless integration.

Note: For example, you can send SMS from the Candidate landing page and summary page using the three-dot menu, as well as from the Job Summary page after selecting a candidate. Similarly, you can also send SMS to Clients and Contacts.

SMS – Insert Template – My Templates

  • If you wish to modify or remove the added SMS template, click the three-dot button and select Edit or Delete from the drop-down menu, as required.

SMS Template – Edit or Delete