Recruitment Funnel Section
This article continues from the Dashboard Indicators section. To review the previous article, click here: Dashboard Indicators.
The Recruitment Funnel section consist of three major sections: Recruitment Funnel, Job Pipeline and Application ROI.
Information: Admin users will see the Users field automatically populate with a list of all employees (including the logged-in user). There’s no team dependency until a team is selected. They can search for multiple users and view all jobs (public, protected, confidential) where they are the primary or job owner within the selected workflow. For non-admin users, the system also displays the logged-in user by default in the user list. If they select a team, they can view all public, private, and protected jobs where they are primary owner or job owner. If selected members have not created any jobs, the date will not appear in any sub-section for them.
- Recruitment Funnel Section:
- The six-dot icon allows you to drag and drop the entire section wherever you need.
- Date filters will auto-populate with the same values as the global date period field, including options like Last 7 Days, Current Week, Current Fortnight, etc. By default, the filter will be set to Last 30 Days, but you can select any other value to view data.
- The View Data option allows you to see combined subsection data for each parent section on a separate page. You can use the download icon to export data as Excel or PDF, perform global searches, and navigate through multiple records with pagination.
- Clicking the Download option gives you two choices: Excel or PDF. Selecting Excel downloads the entire section's data as an Excel file, while choosing PDF exports it as a PDF file.
- Expand/Collapse will let you collapse or expand the recruitment funnel section. Collapsing will hide all subsections but will keep the header strip visible.
- The Recruitment Funnel section consist of subsections like Recruitment Funnel, Avg Length of Recruitment Considering Hired Candidates & Recruiter(s) Conversion Ratio. Let’s read more on how these functions:
- Recruitment Funnel: Shows the number of candidates in each stage and their percentages progress from one workflow stage to the next for all the jobs.
Information: These stages will be reflected based on the Job workflow selected from the Job Workflow field above.
- Clicking chart will display different chart types, such as Line, Bar, and Column. The Funnel chart is the default option.
- The funnel will show the total no of Jobs and applications in the select job workflow.
Information: For example, if a workflow includes 3 jobs with 100, 100, and 50 candidates each, the Total Applications will be 250 in the Applications stage (1st stage) of that workflow.
- The first stage (Application) shows to the total number of applications received for all the jobs against the selected workflow.
- The second stage shows the total number of applications progressed from Application to Screening stage.
- Example: For a job with 200 applications, the Applied stage initially shows 200 (100%).
- If 30 are moved to Shortlisting, 50 to Screening, and 50 to Interview, Applied adjusts to 70 (200 - 130 = 70).
- Moving 10 from Screening to Interview updates Screening to 40 (50 - 10 = 40) and Interview to 60 (50 + 10 = 60).
- % of each stage is calculated as: Total no of applications in the screening stage/Total no of applications * 100.
Information: When calculating total applications across multiple jobs, the total number of mapped candidates from each job is combined. For instance, if Job 1 has 20 mapped candidates and Job 2 has 30, the total applications will be 50. First stage represents all mapped candidates across both jobs. In the second stage, if 10 candidates progress in Job 1 and 15 in Job 2, the combined total is 25, yielding an average of 50% (25/50 * 100). In the third stage, if Job 1 has 2 applications and Job 2 has 3, the total is 5, reflecting an average of 10% (5/50 * 100).
Note: Job Fill Percentage is calculated by dividing the number of candidates placed in the Hired stage by the total number of placements across all jobs.
Note: The conversion ratio is displayed at the bottom of the funnel and calculates the percentage of candidates who move from the first stage to the final stage of the recruiting process. Formula (Total applications in the last stage / Total applications * 100). For example, if there are 5 applications in the last stage and 250 in the first Application stage, the conversion ratio would be 2% (5/250 * 100).
- Clicking on any workflow stage name will show you all the candidates’ details in another page (View Data). This page will have a search, download data and a column filter to narrow down specific data.
Information: The conversion ratio is calculated based on the primary job owners.
Recruitment Funnel – Funnel – Conversion Ratio
Information: The average length of the recruitment cycle data is filtered based on static filters.
- Avg. Length of Recruitment Considering Hired Candidates: This shows the average number of days a recruiter spends in each job workflow stage across all job. No of the days a recruiter spends on the hired candidate(s) in every stage in respect to a job is calculated as: (Last date a candidate moves out of a stage - First date the candidate moves into a stage).
- Clicking chart will display different chart types, such as Line Graph, Bar, Column, etc. The data table chart is the default option.
- The number of days a hired candidate spends in each stage is calculated when the recruiter's data reflects only one job with a headcount of 1.
- Avg. Length of Recruitment Considering Hired Candidates: This shows the average number of days a recruiter spends in each job workflow stage across all job. No of the days a recruiter spends on the hired candidate(s) in every stage in respect to a job is calculated as: (Last date a candidate moves out of a stage - First date the candidate moves into a stage).
Note: For example, if a candidate enters the Applied stage on March 12th and moves to Screening on March 13th, the Applied stage duration is one day excluding the current day.
Information: When multiple candidates are in the hired stage, the calculation of days in a stage is based on the first date a candidate enters the stage and the last date a candidate exits the stage. This applies if the recruiter's data includes multiple jobs. The formula is: No. of days in a stage = Last date a candidate exits the stage - First date a candidate enters the stage.
Note: If the headcount is 2 and both candidates apply on March 12th and move to Screening on March 13th, the duration remains 1 day. However, if one candidate applies on March 12th and moves on March 13th, and the other applies on March 13th and moves on March 14th, the duration is 2 days, as the time spent by all candidates in a stage for one job is summed.
Information: If in case a candidate comes in a stage and moves out of a stage on the same date it will be calculated as one day.
Information: If a recruiter skips a stage for a hired candidate with no days recorded, that stage will display o days in the pipeline. Additionally, if the hired candidate is moved back to a previous stage after advancing, those dates will not be included in the calculations.
Information: The colour of the average days will correspond to the mapped stage type colour.
Information: When a recruiter has 2 jobs, with Job 1 having a headcount of 1 and Job 2 a headcount of 2, the days spent in the Applied stage for Job 1 are averaged with the total days spent by candidates in Job 2, divided by the total headcount.
Information: In scenarios involving multiple recruiters, the average is calculated based on the number of days in each stage across all jobs versus the total headcount.
Note: The number of rejected days will appear in the funnel but will be excluded from the calculation of the average number of days to hire.
- Avg. No of Days to Hire is calculated by summing up the average duration of all stages. For example, if the average duration for the Applications stage is 4 days, Screening stage is 5 days, and Interview stage is 3 days, the total would be 4 + 5 + 3 = 12 days.
Recruitment Funnel - Average Length of the Recruitment Process
Information: The recruiter conversion ratio data is filtered based on static filters.
Information: The Recruiter Conversion Ratio is calculated for the primary owner, including all job transactions, regardless of other owners' actions. If the primary owner changes, only transactions from the change date onward will count for the new owner. For example, if you are the primary owner of Job A from May 1 to June 1, all transactions during that period are attributed to you. After a reassignment on June 2, transactions from that date will count toward the new primary owner's ratio.
- Recruiter Conversion Ratio: This section will let you view data for each recruiter.
- This section features an internal scroll, allowing admin users to navigate and view data for each recruiter based on the selected filters. Non-admin users can access their own data if no team is selected; when a team is chosen, they can view data for all team members.
Note: Recruiter data will be accessible according to the permissions set in the Settings.
- Clicking chart will display different chart types, such as Area chart and Scatter the Line chart is the default option.
- Recruiter names will be displayed based on their conversion ratios, with the lowest ratio at the top. If two recruiters have the same conversion ratio, their names will be listed alphabetically.
- If a profile photo is missing, the Recruiter's initials will appear instead (e.g., John Lin will show as JL).
Information: The list of recruiters displayed is based on access permissions assigned to specific teams in the settings. Users without access to other teams' data and not part of any team will only see their data if they are the primary owner of any job.
- You will see a line graph with the Y-axis representing the number of applications received and the X-axis indicating the time period.
Information: For Last 7 Days, the X-axis will show dates like September 01/09, 02/09, 03/09 etc. For Last Year, the X-axis will display months like January, February, March, etc.
- Conversion ratio is calculated as: (Total no. of Applications in the Last Stage (Hired Stage)/Total no. of applications in the first stage (Applied Stage)) *100. For example, if there are 100 applicants in the first stage (Applications) and 3 in the last stage (Hired), the conversion ratio is calculated as (3/100) * 100 = 3%.
- If calculating a recruiter's overall conversion ratio, and the recruiter is the primary owner of two jobs with a headcount of total 2, with conversion ratios of 2% for Job A and 5% for Job B, the overall conversion ratio will be the average of these two, resulting in 3.5%. The formula is (2% + 5%) / 2 (headcounts) = 3.5%.
Information: If the Job(s) filter is set to All Jobs, and the recruiter is associated with jobs where candidates haven't reached the final stage, those jobs will be excluded from the conversion ratio calculation.
- Recruitment Length Cycle: This shows the total number of days a recruiter spends on a job(s). The number of days in a stage with respect to a job is calculated as: (Last date a candidate moves out of a stage - First date the candidate moves into a stage).
- The number of days a hired candidate spends in each stage is calculated when the recruiter's data reflects only one job with a headcount of 1.
Note: The Recruitment Cycle Length shows the average duration of each stage, excluding the hired stage.
Note: The average number of days to hire is calculated by summing up the average duration of all stages. For example, if the average duration for the Applications stage is 4 days, Screening stage is 5 days, and Interview stage is 3 days, the total would be 4 + 5 + 3 = 12 days.
Note: For example, if a candidate enters the Applied stage on March 12th and moves to Screening on March 13th, the Applied stage duration is one day excluding the current day.
Information: When multiple candidates are in the hired stage, calculate the number of days in a stage by using the first date a candidate enters the stage and the last date a candidate exits the stage, applicable if the recruiter’s data covers multiple jobs. The formula is: No. of days in a stage = Last date a candidate exits the stage - First date a candidate enters the stage.
Note: If the headcount is 2 and both candidates apply on March 12th and move to Screening on March 13th, the duration remains 1 day. However, if one candidate applies on March 12th and moves on March 13th, and the other applies on March 13th and moves on March 14th, the duration is 2 days, as the time spent by all candidates in a stage for one job is summed.
Information: If in case a candidate comes in a stage and moves out of a stage on the same date it will be calculated as one day.
Information: If a recruiter skips a stage for a hired candidate with no days recorded, that stage will display 0 days in the pipeline. Additionally, if the hired candidate is moved back to a previous stage after advancing, those dates will not be included in the calculations.
Information: The colour of the average days will correspond to the mapped stage type colour.
Information: When a recruiter has 2 jobs, with Job 1 having a headcount of 1 and Job 2 a headcount of 2, the days spent in the Applied stage for Job 1 are averaged with the total days spent by candidates in Job 2, divided by the total headcount.
Information: The Recruiter Conversion Ratio metric will display the total number of recruiters associated with the selected jobs. For example, if 10 recruiters are involved, it will show: Total Recruiters: 10.
Recruitment Funnel – Recruiters Conversion Ratio
Note: For details on how the Job Pipeline section and sub section (including Client Job Rate and Client Fill Ratio) works, click here: Job Pipeline. This article continues from the Dashboard Indicator section.