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Job Related Filters

This article continues from the Recruitment Funnel section. To review the previous article, click here: Recruitment Funnel – Admin and End Users.

The functioning of each Job-related filter is as follows:

  • Under the Recruitment Funnel tab, click on the Job workflow drop-down to select a job workflow.

Information: To read more on how to setup a new job workflow, click here: Setup a New Job Workflow Hiring Process.

Information: This mandatory single-select drop-down displays all workflows based on the selected static filter values. By default, the first workflow is selected alphabetically, but users can change it as needed.

Note: Upon landing on the Recruitment Funnel tab, the default job workflow with All jobs and statuses will be selected. If jobs are chosen from the drop-down list, the funnel will update to reflect the corresponding data, showing the total number of applications in each stage for the selected jobs.

Information: To read more on how to set a default workflow, click here: Understanding Job Workflow and its stages.

  • Click on the Jobs drop-down to select a specific job.

Information: This is a mandatory multi-select dropdown. By default, it shows only the logged-in user's jobs, with the Show only my jobs checkbox selected. If the user unchecks the checkbox, the system will display both the logged-in user's jobs and other public jobs.

Information: For four jobs sharing the same applicant in a job workflow, the system counts each applicant separately to ensure representation in the workflow stage for each job.

  • Click on the Job Status drop-down to select a specific job status.

Information: This is a multi-select dropdown. By default, the system displays only active job statuses, but you can adjust it as needed.

  • The Exclude Closed Jobs option will be checked by default when the page loads, automatically excluding closed jobs from the selected job workflow. To include all closed job(s) in the selected job workflow, uncheck this checkbox.
  • Clicking on the Filter button will open the filter screen.
    • Choose a filter from the dropdown and click Save. The data will refresh according to the selected filter. Once saved, the filter will display a number with an (x) button next to the filter for removal.
    • Click on the Remove all filters to clear off the set filters.
    • The clear selection (x) option clears all filters and resets the data in all the filters.

Information: Additional features such as search, reset, and save filters are currently in development. Section-specific filters are also scheduled for an upcoming release.

Recruitment Funnel - Job-related Filters

Note: For details on Dashboard Indicators, click here: Dashboard Indicators. This article continues from the Job-Related Filters section.