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  2. Release Notes
  3. Xeople Recruit Release - Feb 12, 2024, Alpha 13.00

Enhancement - Job Summary under Grid View – Under Action - Share Personnel to Entire OnHire

In this latest release, Xeople Recruit unveils an exciting feature! Now, users can effortlessly Share Personnel to Entire OnHire by completing a form in the job action panel. To get started, activate Entire OnHire through the Marketplace, and subscribe to Share Personnel to Entire OnHire; otherwise, it will be in Unsubscribe mode. If you haven't subscribed to the feature, a red highlighted label will appear, saying Click here to Subscribe. Clicking on the hyperlink will redirect you to the Entire OnHire Marketplace integration page.

Key Changes:

  • Selecting this option will initiate the form, allowing users to input candidate details. Ensure all mandatory fields are completed.
  • The form now displays the following fields:
    • Select an option below to share personnel as: This single-selection field allows users to choose how to share personnel to EOH, either as an Applicant (default and enabled) or as a Member (disabled). For now, we can only share personnel as applicants.
    • All fields are segregated into sections:
      • Personal Details:
        • Title: A mandatory field coming from Entire OnHire client-side API.
        • First Name & Family Name: A mandatory free text field auto populated from Candidate Global data. Users can edit it, and changes will be updated in Candidate Global data.
        • Gender: Gender now functions as a drop-down field, sending gender details from Xeople Recruit to EOH, which converts accordingly. For instance, when "Male" is relayed, EOH will store "M" in its gender field value.
        • Date of Birth: It is an optional date picker field that captures the candidate's DOB. If available, it will be pre-filled from Global data. However, users can also manually enter the date from the calendar. Editing is allowed, and any changes will be updated in the Candidate Global data.
      • Contact Details:
        • Email: A mandatory free text field auto filled from the candidate's global data. It is greyed out and disabled.
        • Mobile No: A mandatory field with Code (dropdown) and phone no (numeric value). It should be pre-filled from global data, and users can edit it. Changes will be updated in Global data.
      • Professional:
        • Industry: A mandatory dropdown field coming from Entire OnHire client-side API, loading on demand.
        • Qualification: Qualification is now a single selection field. It displays all qualifications in a dropdown menu, coming from Entire OnHire client-side API, loading on demand based on the selected industry.
      • Address Details:
        • Street Address: This is a required free-text field designed as a Google pin address. Upon entering the address, it prompts a matching suggestion from Google services. If available, it is pre-filled from Global data. Based on this, all the fields below should be automatically populated.
        • Adress Line 1: A mandatory free-text field with a maximum limit of 100 characters. It auto-populates upon selecting the street address, allowing users to make edits as needed.
        • District/Suburb: A free text mandatory field filled based on the street address or entered manually. If not matched with EOH client data, a message will appear indicating, no corresponding master data entry for the value "Christchurch" was found in the Entire OnHire system under the field Suburb. Please generate the necessary entry to initiate the record creation.
        • Country: A mandatory dropdown field fetching data from the master field, if not matched with EOH client data, users will not be able to share personnel with EOH.
        • State: A mandatory dropdown field fetching data from the master field, if not matched with EOH client data, users will not be able to share personnel with EOH.
        • Post Code: A mandatory free text field pre-filled based on the street address or entered manually.

Note: Users can edit the address, and changes will be updated in Global data.

  • Additional Details:
    • Office Applying for: A mandatory dropdown field coming from the Office Master of Entire OnHire client-side API, loading values on demand.
    • Upload Resume: User-up loadable (formats: doc, docx, pdf; up to 2MB).
  • Buttons:
    • Share Personnel: Enabled when all required fields are filled.
  • Success Pop-up:
    • Users will see a success notification on the screen.
    • View more details link downloads an Excel sheet with all the details.
  • Failure Pop-up:
    • If there is a failure, a pop-up will appear to notify users of the issue.

    • Ok button closes the pop-up screen.
  • Email Notification:
    • Triggered to the selected employee and super admin by default.
  • All shared personnel activities will be meticulously recorded under the Activity tab.