Xeople Recruit now provides the capability to incorporate two-way SMS functionality within the application, allowing for the storage of replies in the SMS Chat.
Key Changes:
- The chat history screen displays the SMS status along with the mobile number to which the SMS is sent.
- Clicking the SMS icon opens a screen where all SMS sent/received for that candidate can be viewed. The top of the screen shows the candidate’s name along with the SMS icon.
- Sent SMS by the recruiter appears on the right side, displaying date, time, and the recipient’s mobile number.
- Delivered SMS is represented in green, received SMS in grey, pending SMS in orange, and failed SMS in red. This color-coded display provides clear visibility and quick identification of SMS statuses.
- In case of failure, a Resend icon allows the user to resend the SMS.
- User picture (if available) appears on the right side of sent SMS; otherwise, user initials are displayed.
- Candidate’s reply appears on the left side along with their picture/initials.
- Date & Time: Timestamp of when the SMS is received by the recruiter.
- Received From: The number from which the candidate replied.
- The screen can be closed by clicking on the header on the right-side panel.
- New SMS option opens the SMS screen for sending a new message.
- Cancel option allows cancelling the activity.
- A Refresh icon refreshes the chat screen.
- The system captures events in the Job log, such as Aayush Bhatia SMS to Himanshu on 27/10/2023 12:23:01.