Enhancement - Master Data – Checklist – Added Mark as Mandatory
In this release, we have updated the checklist screen in the master data to ensure the right data is linked to the job workflow.
Key Changes:
- After the Hide externally toggle, a text will display: Click on + icon to add task into checklist.
- Clicking the (+) icon will change the pop-up header from Add Questions to Add Task.
- The Questions* field name will change to Task*, and this field will remain mandatory.
- Below the two checkboxes, a third checkbox will be added as Mark as Mandatory.
- Upon adding a task, the selected options such as Task Mandatory, Required Attachment, and Required Free Text will appear below in the configuration.
- Checking this box will display this task as mandatory in the Job workflow action window and reflect on the number displayed in the Job Action Window checklist icon.
- The same changes will be implemented in the Checklist Group.