Close Job
Closing a job refers to the action taken to mark a job posting as no longer available for new applications. This process is typically initiated once the position has been filled with a suitable candidate or if the job is no longer needed.
The main purpose of closing a job includes:
- Closing a job informs candidates that the position is no longer available, managing expectations and preventing further applications.
- Closing filled or unnecessary jobs streamlines workflow, allowing you to focus on active openings.
- Job closure maintains accurate recruitment data and metrics, crucial for reporting, analytics, and decision-making.
To navigate to the Close Job page, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the main navigation header bar and click on Jobs.
- Select a Job Workflow.
- You can view all your job listings on the Job Landing page.
Click on the three-dot button and select Close Job.
Jobs - Job Landing Page - Close Job
- This action opens up a pop-up, select a Job Staus and Reason of Status Change from the dropdown.
Note: All candidates associated with the job will automatically populate in the Select Candidate field.
- To Close a Job, select one option:
- Move selected candidates to a workflow stage.
- Delink selected candidates from the job by filling in the required fields.
- You can even notify the selected candidates by clicking on the checkbox on the bottom of the pop-up screen.
- Click on Close Job.
Close Job - Pop-up Screen - Close Job
- This action will close the Job.
Job Closed
Similarly, you can close a job from the Job Summary page by clicking on the three-dot button.
Job Summary Page - Close Job
Information: To read more how to Re-open a Job, click here: ReOpen a Job.