Master Data - Lead Source

Lead Source refers to the channel or method through which a lead is generated, such as referrals, social media, or direct inquiries. Its purpose is to track the origin of leads, analyse the effectiveness of different channels, and optimise efforts to improve lead generation and conversions.

To configure Lead Source Master, proceed by following the steps outlined below:

  • Click on the Profile picture and select Administrator from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on Master Data from the left navigation panel.
  • Under the Lead, select Lead Source.

Administrator - Master Data - Lead Source

  • Click on (+) Add lead source this will allow you to add lead source name, description, status, and display sequence.

Note: The Lead Source field is a mandatory alphanumeric text field, requiring a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 30 characters. Each source name must be unique.

Note: The status field is mandatory and single-select drop-down.

Note: Status is tenant specific and cannot be configured at once across all tenants.

Information: If two sources share the same display sequence, they will be sorted alphabetically.

  • Click Save.

Note: Clicking Cancel discards changes, redirecting to the landing screen; clicking Save saves changes and redirects to the landing screen.

Master Data – Lead Source – Add Lead Source

  • Once added, you can Edit or Delete.

Information: The built-in option will be disabled for admin records on the edit screen.

Actions to perform on the application source landing page:

  • The search bar displays results for data in any column, with relevant ones at the top.
  • Clicking the eye icon redirects to the system audit log page, while the refresh icon updates data.
  • The screen includes six columns: SourceDescriptionStatusBuilt-inDisplay Sequence, and Last Updated On.

Information: The Last Updated On column shows data based on recent activity.

Note: All the status associated with the source will now appear in the lead’s profile.

Lead Source - Actions